(5 Ratings)
MERN Stack Course 2023 – MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
Categories: MERN Stack, Web Development
About Course
Build Full Stack React Application from Scratch with MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS in this project based course.
Welcome To The MERN Stack Course
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js – and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications.
During this course we will:
- Learn some NodeJS basics
- Build API endpoints with Express
- Build authentication with JSON Web Token including User Registration, Login and Password Reset
- Upload image with multer and save to Cloudinary
- Protect routes to only be accessed by logged-in users
- Build Frontend pages with React and SCSS
- Setup Routing with React Router V6
- Setup MongoDB
- Complete CRUD functionality
- Implement pagination on the front-end
- Connect frontend to backend using Axios
- Manage state with Redux Toolkit
- Build a dashboard for product management
- Utilize “express-async-handler” package
- Setup error handling in Express
- Hash passwords
- Build a user profile page
- Build a contact us page
- Edit user profile from the frontend
- Deploy the app to Heroku and Render
This is not an introduction to React course, you are expected to know React before taking this course. However, I try to explain the ReactJS concepts used in every section.
What Will You Learn?
- Learn how to build Fullstack apps from scratch
- Learn how to implement JWT authentication - User Registration, Login, Password Reset
- Learn how to store data in MongoDB
- Learn how to send automated email
- Learn how to upload images in MERN stack and save to cloudinary
- State management with Redux Toolkit
- Deploy app to both Heroku and Render
Course Content
1. Introduction
1. Introduction and Course Requirement
02:58 -
2. Environment Setup
02:04 -
3. What is MERN Stack
10:49 -
2. Some NodeJS Basics
4. Node Basics
08:22 -
5. Modules
09:32 -
6. Core Modules
03:21 -
7. Create a NodeJS Server
08:41 -
8. Create Routes in NodeJS
08:51 -
9. Create an Express Server and Router
12:05 -
10. Continously monitor server with Nodemon
08:40 -
11. HTTP Request Methods and Status Codes
3. Express Basics – Task Manager App
12. Task Manager – Demo
02:06 -
13. Project Setup
04:14 -
14. Create Express Server
07:45 -
15. Create start script with nodemon
02:51 -
16. Setup Postman and Insomia for API testing
07:24 -
17. Setup MongoDB
11:03 -
18. Connect To MongoDB – Method 1
11:50 -
19. Refactor the connection sequence
03:12 -
20. Connect To MongoDB – Method 2
05:08 -
21. Create Task Model and Schema
08:07 -
22. Create a Task Route
06:34 -
23. Middleware
07:04 -
24. Save Task to database
10:59 -
25. Get All Tasks
06:09 -
26. Create Task Route
06:12 -
27. Create Task Controller
08:07 -
28. Get a Single Task
11:40 -
29. Delete a Task
08:37 -
30. Update a Task – PUT
11:49 -
31. Update a Task – PATCH
02:14 -
32. Refactor out Routes
4. React Frontend – Task Manager App
33. React App Setup
08:46 -
34. Create Script to run backend and frontend
03:30 -
35. Create all Components
06:11 -
36. Task Manager JSX
10:53 -
37. Add Task to DB
19:47 -
38. Set Proxy URL
06:20 -
39. Get Tasks from DB
13:53 -
40. Display tasks on the page
02:29 -
41. Delete a Task
04:38 -
42. Update Task Part 1
12:06 -
43. Update Task Part 2
05:18 -
44. Set task to completed
07:08 -
45. Get task count
5. Deployment – Render and Heroku
46. Deploy – Push app to GitHub
13:17 -
47. Deploy Frontend To Render
08:41 -
48. Deploy Backend To Render
06:18 -
49. Before you deploy to Heroku
03:23 -
50. Preparing our App for deployment
08:33 -
51. Deploying our app to Heroku
6.Inventory Management App – Demo and Setup
52. Pinvent App – Demo
17:21 -
53. Planning the Project
04:21 -
54. Project Setup
7. Inventory Management App – Backend
55. Create Server and Connect MongoDB
14:15 -
56. Create Folders and Home Route
12:03 -
57. Create User Model
15:14 -
58. Create User Route
05:25 -
59. Create User Controller
05:03 -
60. Create Custom Error Handler
13:10 -
61. Register New User
19:37 -
62. Encrypt Password – Method 1
09:28 -
63. Encrypt Password – Method 2
09:11 -
64. Generate JSON Web Token
10:41 -
65. Send Token With HTTP-Only cookie
10:39 -
66. Create Login Route
03:49 -
67. Create Login Controller Function
12:42 -
68. Login Controller Bug Fix
06:10 -
69. Logout User
06:35 -
70. Create User Profile Route
05:34 -
71. Create Protect MiddleWare and UserProfile Controller
13:08 -
72. Create Route to Get Login Status
04:10 -
73. Create Login Status Controller Function
03:14 -
74. Create Route to Update User
04:41 -
75. Create Update User Controller Function
11:01 -
76. Create Route to Change Password
03:42 -
77. Create Controller Function to Change Password
08:59 -
78. Reset Password Process
04:48 -
79. Create Forgot Password Route
03:53 -
80. Create Token Model
06:03 -
81. Create send Email Function
15:18 -
82. Forgot Password Controller Function – Part 1
11:28 -
83. Forgot Password Controller Function – Part 2
10:28 -
84. Forgot Password Controller Function – Part 3
15:01 -
85. Email not delivered
02:49 -
86. Create Reset Password Route
03:53 -
87. Create Reset Password Controller
12:28 -
88. Create Product Model
08:14 -
89. Create Product Route
06:59 -
90. Create Product Controller
09:46 -
91. Set up Multer file upload
14:00 -
92. Upload Image With Multer
13:23 -
93. Save product to cloudinary
09:15 -
94. Get all Products – Route and Controller
06:08 -
95. Get single Product – Route and Controller
07:21 -
96. Delete a Product – Route and Controller
06:22 -
97. Update Product – Route and Controller
17:17 -
Draft Lesson98. Update Product – Bug Fix
04:07 -
99. Contact Us Route
07:07 -
100. Contact Us Controller
8. Inventory Management App – Frontend
101. Home page
04:47 -
102. Set up Redux
10:40 -
103. Set up Routing
06:13 -
104. Home Page
19:46 -
105. Create Auth Pages and Routes
05:59 -
106. Create Card Component
05:06 -
107. Login Page JSX
09:00 -
108. Register Page JSX
03:55 -
109. Forgot Passord Page JSX
03:31 -
110. Reset Passord Page JSX
03:00 -
111. Header, Footer and Layout Component JSX
07:52 -
112. Dashboard Initial Setup
10:45 -
113. Get The Sidebar Code
01:52 -
114. Sidebar Component – Part 1
14:40 -
115. Sidebar Component – Part 2
30:18 -
116. Navigate to Home Page from Dashboard
02:27 -
117. Set up auth slice
13:34 -
118. Set up auth service and Register User function
17:24 -
119. Register User – Part 1
09:49 -
120. Register User – Part 2
14:15 -
121. Register User – Part 3
03:46 -
122. Create Loader Component
09:16 -
123. Create Login User function
02:56 -
`124. Login User
10:54 -
125. Logout User
05:40 -
126. Display name of user
02:25 -
127. Forgot Password
10:09 -
128. Create Reset Password function
02:58 -
129. Reset Password
14:03 -
130. Hide or Show Nav Menu
09:43 -
131. Get Login Status
08:39 -
132. Redirect Logged out users
11:51 -
133. Create productSlice
07:03 -
134. Create Product Function Redux
19:41 -
135. Create Add Product Component
28:51 -
136. Create Add Product Route
01:20 -
137. Create Product Form and Test
27:28 -
138. Create Get all Products Function Redux
07:04 -
139. Get All Products
13:50 -
140. Display Products on dashboard
22:00 -
141. Search Component JSX
06:43 -
142. Search Function in Redux
13:22 -
143. Product List Pagination
12:28 -
144. Product Summary JSX
14:58 -
145. Calculate Total Store Value
13:26 -
146. Calculate Out Of Stock Products
08:54 -
147. Calculate all Categories
05:45 -
148. Create Delete Function Redux
06:53 -
149. Delete Product
13:54 -
150. Create Get Single Product Function Redux
05:29 -
151. Create Product Detail Route
05:50 -
152. Create Product Details Component
34:31 -
153. Create Update Product Function Redux
07:46 -
154. Create Edit Product Route
02:51 -
155. Create Edit Product Component
26:35 -
156. Create Get User Profile Function
03:14 -
157. Create Profile Component and Route
02:15 -
158. Profile Component Logic
10:14 -
159. Profile Component Logic JSX
08:13 -
160. Edit Profile – Part 1
22:24 -
161. Edit Profile – Part 2
27:44 -
162. Edit Profile Component
20:38 -
163. Change Password Component
16:09 -
164. Testing Our App
06:56 -
165. Deploy To GitHub
06:18 -
166. Deploy Frontend To Vercel
05:27 -
167. Deploy Backend To Render
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