Modern JavaScript Bootcamp – Beginner To Advanced
About Course
Learn Modern JavaScript from the beginning to Advanced concepts. Build several real world JavaScript projects/apps.
Welcome to The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course.
This is the most simplified JavaScript course.
People say JavaScript is hard, I created this course to make it seem easy.
In this course, I would start by walking you through the fundamentals of JavaScript in an easy-to-understand manner.
After which we would build several JavaScript projects to help you solidify your understanding. We would then delve into some advanced concepts in JavaScript with which we can create truly dynamic web applications.
After we learn the basics of JavaScript, including DOM Manipulation, we would build several apps including
– A counter App
– A Random color generator
– A Random number generator
We would then learn about the window object and some of its properties and methods, following which we would build a
– Responsive Landing page with countdown
– Body Mass Index calculator, a tool used by medical professionals.
Subsequently, we would start learning the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming with clear explanations and examples.
After this section, we would build a
– Task Tracker App
The Task Tracker app is a robust JavaScript app that would enable us apply most of the concepts we have learned up to that section.
In the Task tracker app, we would use the following concepts
– variable declaration
– Date object
– Functions
– Callback functions
– Arrays
– Local storage
– Object-oriented programming
We would then start learning about Asynchronous JavaScript and how to work with APIs. We would also cover Modules, Imports and Exports which would enable us separate our code into different sections.
After this section, we would build a
– Joke generator app
– GitHub profile app
Next, we would learn how to debug our code and handle errors which is a very important skill you should have as a developer.
After which we would take a focused look into ES6 features.
By the end of this course, you would be reasonably comfortable working with JavaScript and would be ready to learn a JavaScript framework like React, Vue or Angular.
Let’s dive in…
Course Content
1. Introduction
02:37 -
— Resources —
Environment Setup
JavaScript Fundamentals – Part 1
DOM – Document Object Model
Project – Counter App
Project – Random Number Generator
Project – Random Color Generator
JavaScript Fundamentals – Part 2
Project – Coming Soon Landing Page
Project – BMI Calculator
Object Oriented Programming
Project – Task Tracker
Asynscronous JavaScript and Fetch API
API Project – Fetch VS Async Await
Modules, Imports and Exports
Project 8 – GitHub Profile App
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